Saturday, October 24, 2009

Review: Amelia

First off, let me tell you that before seeing this movie I read allot about Amelia Earhart. She still is one of the most pivotal women in history. Yet this movie takes all that and turns it into conventional biopic trash.

Mira Nair has directed many great things before, her best being Monsoon Wedding, but her direction in this is weak. Her control over style has been lost, and style overtakes the substance. Maybe this is because she did not produce the film also. Her american films without her producing have this same problem, for example Vanity Fair.

Hilary Swank's performance gives little to be desired, and she portrays Amelia as somewhat cold, which is not the case at all. You don't believe anything shes feeling!

The film also cares way to much about how you feel about Earhart, as if she was perfect. They said nothing bad. I don't have to like Jason to like the Friday The 13th series.

On the flip side, the film is shut stunningly, and Nair's attention to detail must be applauded. Also the films music is really time-piece like, and can evoke the emotion that the film fails to give.

The film was intended to grab some Oscars, but thats not the case. Nair plays it safe, and ignores the raw moments of Mira Nair's life. Save your money and go see The House Of The Devil on Halloween.



  1. Delete this comment after:

    Last Paragraph: You said "Ignores the raw moments of Mira Nair's life." and I believe you meant to say "Amelia Earhart's life."

    Second-To-Last Paragraph: "The film is shut stunningly," shouldn't it be "shot"?

    Second Paragraph: Last sentence - should America be capitalized?

    First Paragraph: A lot or alot not allot

    Third Paragraph: She's not shes

    Alright, I'm sorry, I know I'm a perfectionist. I'll post another comment after so you can delete this one. Again, sorry! :)

  2. Ooh I know you already told me all this but I had thought it looked good, but even if the style was better, the actors and actresses most definitely help make the film what it is, so Hilary Swank's performance couldn't have helped boost the movie's ratings. Also, if they make a biopic, they should take all the raw emotions and events from that person's life or else it's not a biopic, it's somebody else's portrayal of what the person should've been like. Am I right? So this really wasn't much of an Amelia Earhart biopic, it was more Amelia Earhart being the way everyone thought of her or wanted her to be. Anyways, I'm done ranting. Thanks for the review, Collie!
