Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why Our Generation Is Doomed To Fail

Justin Beiber

Black Eyed Peas


Most Shows On MTV

I just named some things that are both hugely popular and immensily horrible. They tell me that our current generation (1992-1997 DOB), the ones that will inherit the world soon, have generally no taste.

Back in 69', life was easy. All the youngins' would just drive around, blasting songs from The Stones and know that they had all the knowledge to survive in their adult life. Replace that with some New Boys and no knowledge of reality because their parents are too scared to tell them that life isnt a dreamworld were you can do anything.

Is the current generation doomed to fail? Probably. But look back to the generations that came out of the 80s and 90s have already brought the world down. Our generation is just digging the hole deeper. But since I am Mr.Positive, I think that as our generation ages, some people will lead us to prosprity.

On second thought, were screwed.

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